Dec 21, 2014

R - Install Packages

Do by learning. I think you have learned programming like C#, Java, or C++ so that the following article is setting a problem to learn by example.
How to install packages in my R environment?

R - An Introduction to the R Programming Environment

R is an integrated software packages for data processing, calculation and graphical
display with following advantages.

Dec 19, 2014


Facebook點選貼文後,可以發現貼文底下出現「RELATED LINKS」,顯示和貼文相關的網頁,可以觀察出哪些推薦規則或現象呢?
熱門貼文:統一 (Negative)

Dec 7, 2014

Python Programming - 01. Introduction

Python (programming language) is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java. The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale.

Oct 9, 2014

從「頂新集團 全家」學到SEO的效力


Jul 27, 2014

Jul 22, 2014

擁有平台可以很容易複製App服務「Saved (儲存)」,但是Facebook不太會經營

看到別的Apps好的應用,Facebook也不是笨蛋,當然抄進來用,反正有十幾億人的平台,隨便都會有幾千萬人用此服務。最近開始測試的ㄧ項服務就是「Saved (儲存)」。

Jun 21, 2014

Mac OS X Mavericks - 從Windows的習慣上手

剛入手的Mac Book Air 13,準備開始寫Mobile Web App + PhoneGap + Xcode for iOS Apps。新手學習,就從最熟悉的Windows思考邏輯開始架設環境。

Jun 12, 2014

jQuery Mobile - the first App Q-News (Page / Menu / Panel / Listview)

Learn by Doing! In this case study, jQM is used to programming a News Reader App that get news categories and articles from Web APIs.

jQuery Mobile - a Framework for Mobile Web Apps

jQuery Mobile (jQM) is a framework for developing cross-platform Apps with minimal script codes to leverage HTML5 and CSS3. Using jQuery mobile to design a responsive website or application is possible to work on all popular smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms.

Jun 10, 2014

jQuery - DOM Manipulation

This article is summarized from jQuery DOM Manipulation and related articles from w3school. jQuery is easy to access and manipulate HTML DOM elements and attributes for dynamically rendering pages and interacting with users.

Jun 6, 2014

Set routes to bypass some network traffics through Network Interface instead of VPN

I frequently need to connect to Lab machines via VPN (Virtual Private Network), but have to visit specific sites and use some services with enough bandwidth.
Routing net traffics through VPN and net card

Jun 1, 2014

jQuery - Syntax, Method, Event and Animation Effects

Many tools are useful for Fast Prototyping to develop Mobile Web Apps, jQuery and jQuery Mobile are one of the most popular solution. Before you start studying jQuery, you should know how to write simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript programs.

May 21, 2014

PhoneGap - Design MyUI as the First App

Using PhoneGap to develop Mobile Web-based Native App is very easy to add web UI modules (.js and .css) into the www folder. For example, I use jQuery Mobile.
  • download the latest stable (Version 1.4.2 here) and get an zip file named "".

May 19, 2014

PhoneGap - Introduction to Mobile Web Apps

Cross-platform mobile applications are hard to develop due to different OS platforms with diverse programming languages on various IDE (Integrated Development Environment), such as Android / Java / Eclipse, iOS / Objective-C / Xcode, Windows Phone / C# / VS.NET. It is a hard technical challenge to launching mobile applications on major mobile platforms, developers must be familiar with these programming languages and IDEs to develop mobile Apps for Android, iOS and Windows.

May 15, 2014

PhoneGap - building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

PhoneGap is an HTML5 application framework to develop native applications for mobile devices through integrations of web technologies, HTML5, CSS (CSS3), and JavaScript
The software underlying PhoneGap is Apache Cordova. The software was previously called just "PhoneGap", then "Apache Callback". Apache Cordova is open source software. ...
Apache Cordova is a set of device APIs that allow a mobile app developer to access native device function such as the camera or accelerometer from JavaScript. Combined with a UI framework such as jQuery Mobile or Dojo Mobile or Sencha Touch, this allows a smartphone app to be developed with just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Apr 29, 2014

Web Programming Style - Useful Cases of CSS (2) CSS3 Selectors

CSS3 supports powerful selector to retrieve specific and set values for flexible rendering. There are four different combinators for CSS selectors in CSS3:

Apr 28, 2014

Web Programming Style - Useful Cases of CSS (1)

Before writing web pages or Apps, you should learn CSS3 to design elegant and fluent UI for good UX. In this blog, several CSS codes are introduced for some partical cases. Futuermore, CSS must be seamlessly integrated with HTML5 and Javascript. All CSS style properties can be access by JS: E.g. = "black" in JS codes.

Apr 26, 2014

Web Programming Hack - Dev Tool / Web Inspector (F12)

To learn web programming well, you should be eager to hack some well-designed web pages or sites. In this way, you may learn details from real cases.

  • UI Design: how webmaster design a good-look page?
  • Tool Integration: how HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, ... are seamlessly integrated into the page?
  • Geek Techniques: how websites design and protect their pages, e.g. ban the "right-click"?
  • Commercial Operations: how Ads contents are put to interact with the page and users?
  • ...

Apr 22, 2014

Web Programming Style - HTML5 as Layouts and CSS3 as Templates

To learn Web UI Design based on HTML and CSS, you should start from the A good design of web pages, sites and Apps is based on optimal tool integrations of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, SQL, Web API, jQuery, etc.

Apr 20, 2014

Web Programming Style - MVC (Model View Control)

Model–View–Controller (MVC) is a software pattern for implementing user interfaces. It divides a given software application into three interconnected parts, so as to separate internal representations of information from the ways that information is presented to or accepted from the user. ... Wikipedia

Apr 18, 2014

QNAP/Linux PHP Programming 00 - Introduction

The article is an introduction for readers who have experiences on coding, such as C/C++ programming. Hence, common programming syntax, naming policy, or coding style are omitted in this blog.

Apr 4, 2014

QNAP/Linux Tool - PostgreSQL / phpPgAdmin

In QNAP/Linux Tool - Create PostgreSQL Account and Database, we have create an user account "nas" and a database "testdb" through commands. Sometimes you just want to take a glimpse on the status of PostgreSQL, phpPgAdmin is an useful Web tool.
Login PostgreSQL through phpPgAdmin Web UI with account "postgres"

Apr 3, 2014

QNAP/Linux Tool - Create PostgreSQL Account and Database

Since several developers share the same QNAP machine to write PHP and PostgreSQL programs, you should obey following steps to create individual db account. From now on, each programmer uses your own db account to develop PHP/DB Apps.

Apr 1, 2014

用固態硬碟 (SSD) 升級QNAP TS-212P - 超靜音

QNAP TS-212P安裝傳統SATA HD (兩顆Mirror RAID0) 的結果是 ...

QNAP/Linux Tool - Setting PostgreSQL and PHP Environment

To make your PHP easily connect to PostgreSQL installed in QNAP, you can use ipkg (install Optware IPKG) command to install PHP-PostgreSQL interface (php-pgsql).
[~] # ipkg install php-pgsqlInstalling php-pgsql (5.2.17-2) to root...Downloading
Installing php (5.2.17-2) to root...

Mar 31, 2014

QNAP/Linux Tool - PostgreSQL

QNAP has packaged the widely-used DBMS, PostgreSQL, from Linux open source. The supported version is newer than that packaged in OptIPKG. As for why choosing PostgreSQL, please see Ubuntu Programming Lesson 01 - Install PostgreSQL (Why PostgreSQL).
PostgreSQL is available on QNAP App Center

Mar 18, 2014

QNAP/Linux Tool - wget (2) Backup the whole website and page content

In the previous blog, QNAP/Linux Tool - wget (1) Mirror Websites, the whole website html files were archived in your QNAP NAS. It's simple way to backup your blog articles, however, media contents within blogs are not fetched and archived.

Mar 13, 2014

QNAP/Linux Tool - wget (1) Mirror Websites

GNU Wget was developed to fetch files from the Internet (the Web), in which HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and many widely used protocols are supported. Since 1996, wget was born for the crawling Web requirement. I firstly studied wget source code in 1998 due to developing crawler programs for search engine.

Mar 11, 2014

QNAP NAS - Find Useful Packages in IPKG List

In this article, we will find and try useful packages. Writing notes about the package with functions, supported architecture (ARM, x86 or x86_64), bugs and tested results.

QNAP NAS - IPKG and Optware IPKG App

QNAP NAS is a good platform for understanding the practices of developing embedded systems, since QNAP OS (QTS) is a minimized Linux OS for optimizing the performance of NAS. That is you can not install any software with only one click on setup.exe, the pre-required libraries and packages must manually installed before you can run a powerful App written with Qt for example. In Ubuntu, you are familiar with using apt-get to install packages. In QTS, you must learn how to use ipkg.

Mar 10, 2014

Mar 7, 2014


Chrome Secure Shell當然方便,另外一個就是PuTTY,是大家長久以來使用的,只是要安裝軟體。Google搜尋 "putty" 找到所屬平台安裝檔,安裝後就可以使用。但是顏色做的實在有夠傷眼睛!

SSH on Chrome Browser - Secure Shell

要用ssh遠端安全連線Linux,大家常用PuTTY。但現在有新選擇:Secure Shell。由於是實作於瀏覽器上,也些設定常會被改到,尤其是javascript的部分。導致突然自行變了,或是無法Ctrl+V paste。

Mar 4, 2014

QNAP NAS - Install QNAP App with QDK


Mar 3, 2014

QNAP NAS - QDK/QPKG Metadata Information

QNAP App Center: App Summary (Sys preload App has a QNAP Ribbon)

Mar 1, 2014

Feb 25, 2014

QNAP NAS - 把他當Linux玩

QNAP NAS還可以拿來練習Linux,用SSH連線玩看看。
Google Web Store: search "ssh"

QNAP NAS - VPN 一鍵輕鬆建立!

控制台 / 應用服務 / VPN服務

QNAP NAS - myQNAPcloud App將內部IP轉址到Public IP

將QNAP NAS放在家裡IP分享器防火牆內 (內部IP),要如何由外面存取?用myQNAPcloud App輕鬆搞定。
myQNAPcloud App:雲端轉址與路由App

QNAP NAS - 開箱安裝

QNAP開箱安裝變聰明了!掃瞄機器上的QR code,就可以安裝設定。
掃瞄機器上的QR code,就可以連道: 

Feb 24, 2014

QNAP NAS App - HappyGet2

QNAP NAS系統透過Web連線後,在App Center可以安裝HappyGet2,這樣就可以隨時查詢YouTube影片,製造看都看不完的播放清單了。
QNAP App Center has many useful Apps can be installed into NAS

Google Plus (Google+) 整合服務 - 不需建立標籤的相片搜尋

討論論文參考文獻寫法的文章:paper & thesis相關,所以找到我G+上傳的照片

Feb 23, 2014

Google Scholar - 有效蒐集論文參考文獻與統一格式

在撰寫論文投稿 (或是畢業論文) 前,務必先瞭解投稿論文所慣用的參考文獻格式。當然,既然要寫論文,表示你正在做研究,研究就是:
Reference of IEEE Trans. on ...

Feb 21, 2014

Feb 18, 2014

Ubuntu Programming Lesson 03 - Install Apache and PHP

It's easy to install web programming environment in your Ubuntu.

Make Ubuntu become a Web Server is easy!
sudo apt-get install apache2 # Apache Web Server

Feb 16, 2014

Ubuntu Shell Script 00 - Introduction

Shell script的 "shell" 指的就是「文字界面命令列工具」,如同DOS或Windows的CMD.exe,在Ubuntu使用的shell是BASH,可以由terminal下ps指令得知。
ps - check running processes in the current shell terminal

Feb 12, 2014

Ubuntu Lesson 08 - 善用四個工作區與常用快速鍵


Feb 9, 2014

Ubuntu Lesson 07 - Install Software Apps with apt-get

用Windows系統安裝常用軟體的習慣是:所有軟體複製到某一目錄或DVD,安裝好新系統時,就到此目錄一個個軟體安裝。自從iOS開始,大家應該已經習慣安裝軟體由雲端來裝吧!只要用同一帳號,不管是Apple Store, Google Play or Windows Market,就可以一次安裝全部。但是要如何安裝常用軟體到新的Ubuntu系統呢?

Ubuntu One File Sync Error (改密碼之後)

第一次使用Ubuntu One (like Windows SkyDrive),很快就忘記密碼,用網站的「Forgot your password?」改密碼之後,桌機上的Ubuntu One就無法和雲端同步 ...
Account Information不能再更改密碼!
這點是Ubuntu One耍笨之處,在此改密碼不就好了?

Feb 8, 2014

Ubuntu Programming Lesson 02 - pgAdmin connect to PostgreSQL

裝好PostgreSQL 9.3.後,由System Monitor就可以看到執行中的postgres程序

Feb 3, 2014


2013新買的SONY VAIO PRO 13 Win8觸控筆電很好用,之前用舊的NB以windows installer (wubi.exe) 安裝Ubuntu 12.04 LTS都沒問題很好用,想說新年沒事,把VAIO也改成雙系統開機吧!沒想到發生災情 ...

Feb 2, 2014

爛eTag Web系統有夠爛!


Jan 14, 2014

Ubuntu Lesson 06 - 安裝與設定中文輸入法(酷音)

以前都一直用Windows自然輸入法 (GOING),沒想到酷音 (Chewing) 輸入法這麼好用,連中文標點符號的輸入方式,都和GOING相同,這樣用Ubuntuu寫部落格就輕鬆多了。