Set/Get Content
- text("string") / text() - Sets/gets the text content of selected elements.
$("#homenav").click( function(){ alert($("#homenav").text());} ); - html("string") / html() - Sets/gets the content of selected elements (including outter/inner HTML tags).
$("#homenav").click( function(){ alert($("#homenav").html());} ); - val("string") / val() - Sets/gets the value of form fields. For example, $("#search").val() returns "input keywords" or the string modified by user in the input area.
<input type="text" id="search" value="input keywords">
Get Attributes
- attr() - Sets/gets the attribute value of some element.
$("button").click(function(){ alert($("a").attr("href")); });
Add New HTML Content
NOTE 1: append()/prepend() add content within the tag. E.g. <ol>prepend() is here<li>...</li>append() is here</ol>.NOTE 2: after()/before() add content outside the tag. E.g. before() is here<ol><li>...</li></ol>after() is here.
- append() - Add content at the end of the selected elements (within the selected tag).
- prepend() - Add content at the beginning of the selected elements (within the selected tag)
- after() - Add content after the selected elements (follow the selected end tag)
- before() - Add content before the selected elements (before the selected begin tag)
jQuery Manipulating CSS
- addClass() - Adds one or more CSS classes to the selected elements ==> change the rendering result.
- removeClass() - Removes one or more classes from the selected elements.
- toggleClass() - Toggles between adding/removing classes from the selected elements.
- css("property", "value") / css("property") - Set/get the style attribute.
- Set multiple css properties at once: css({"propertyname":"value", "propertyname":"value", ...});
jQuery HTML / CSS Methods
The table of jQuery DOM Manipulation methods. I add the last column "Usage", in which the usage to real case studies will be written in the future.
Adds one or
more class names to selected elements
Run-time add
CSS class
Inserts content
after selected elements
Inserts content
at the end of selected elements
Inserts HTML
elements at the end of selected elements
Sets or returns
attributes/values of selected elements
Inserts content
before selected elements
Makes a copy of
selected elements
Sets or returns
one or more style properties for selected elements
selected elements (keeps data and events)
Removes all
child nodes and content from selected elements
Checks if any
of the selected elements have a specified class name
Sets or returns
the height of selected elements
block/content H measure
Sets or returns
the content of selected elements
Returns the
height of an element (includes padding, but not border)
Returns the
width of an element (includes padding, but not border)
Inserts HTML
elements after selected elements
Inserts HTML
elements before selected elements
Sets or returns
the offset coordinates for selected elements (relative to the document)
Returns the
first positioned parent element
Returns the
height of an element (includes padding and border)
Returns the
width of an element (includes padding and border)
Returns the
position (relative to the parent element) of an element
Inserts content
at the beginning of selected elements
Inserts HTML
elements at the beginning of selected elements
Sets or returns
properties/values of selected elements
Removes the
selected elements (including data and events)
Removes one or
more attributes from selected elements
Removes one or
more classes from selected elements
Run-time remove
CSS class
Removes a
property set by the prop() method
selected elements with new HTML elements
Replaces selected
elements with new content
Sets or returns
the horizontal scrollbar position of selected elements
Sets or returns
the vertical scrollbar position of selected elements
Sets or returns
the text content of selected elements
Toggles between
adding/removing one or more classes from selected elements
On/Off effects
Removes the
parent element of the selected elements
Sets or returns
the value attribute of the selected elements (for form elements)
Sets or returns
the width of selected elements
block/content W measure
Wraps HTML
element(s) around each selected element
Wraps HTML
element(s) around all selected elements
Wraps HTML
element(s) around the content of each selected element
jQuery Dimension Methods
jQuery methods for working with dimensions:- width() / height(): content range
- innerWidth() / innerHeight(): content + paddings
- outerWidth(true) / outerHeight(true): content + paddings + border + margin(true) |
jQuery Traversing
Using jQuery traversing methods to "move through" elements within the HTML DOM tree, or "find / select" HTML elements based on relative positions to other elements. Then, HTML rendering or CSS effects can be dynamically changed by modifying those elements with JS codes.![]() |
HTML Elements is the DOM tree, a node represents a block of content or area. |
- move up (ancestors): parent(), parents(), parentsUntil(). E.g. "$("span").parents();" returns all ancestors of all <span> elements, "$("span").parents("ul");" returns all ancestors of all <span> elements that are <ul> elements, "$("span").parentsUntil("div");" moves up until <div> found.
- move down (descendants): children(), find(). E.g. "$("div").children();" returns all elements that are direct children of each <div> elements, "$("div").children("p.1");" returns all <p> elements with the class name "1", that are direct children of <div>.
- move sideways (siblings): siblings(), next(), nextAll(), nextUntil(), prev(), prevAll(), prevUntil().
- filtering methods: first(), last() and eq(). "$("p").eq(1);" returns the second <p> element (index number 1). The index numbers start at 0.
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