Jan 14, 2014

Ubuntu Lesson 06 - 安裝與設定中文輸入法(酷音)

以前都一直用Windows自然輸入法 (GOING),沒想到酷音 (Chewing) 輸入法這麼好用,連中文標點符號的輸入方式,都和GOING相同,這樣用Ubuntuu寫部落格就輕鬆多了。

Ubuntu Programming Lesson 01 - Install PostgreSQL (Why PostgreSQL)

在開發一個好的系統服務的前提,要先選一個好的DBMS (DataBase Management System),但是在Linux系統中,應改用哪一個DBMS呢?大部分的人一定說:MySQL! 但是 ... ... ...

Jan 12, 2014

Ubuntu Lesson 05 - Set VPN Network

How to setup VPN network in Ubuntu, it's really easy. After setup, following commands can be used to activate/deactivate VPN connection:
nmcli con up id Test #up VPN connection of id=Test (i.e. name=Test)
nmcli con down id Test

Jan 9, 2014

Ubuntu Lesson 04 - Mount Win8 Disk and Share Folder in Ubuntu

Install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS based on on windows installer, you got only 30 GB storage as the system disk at most. But how can I access the original Win8 Disk (C: D: ...)? Can I access Windows Share Folders from Ubuntu?

Jan 7, 2014

Ubuntu Programming Lesson 00 - Install Qt SDK (ver 5.2)

Create amazing apps: Qt, QML and HTML5 are official programming languages for developing Ubuntu Apps, including mobile Apps on Ubuntu smartphone. Let's start from installing Qt SDK 5.2.
Complete the installation of Qt SDK

Ubuntu Lesson 03 - Add Swap space

The initial swap space of my Ubuntu is only 256 MB (with 4 GB RAM) so that the system frequently halts for tens seconds. To increase the size of virtual RAM for system performance and stability, you should increase your SWAP space.
The Swap size if 256.0 MB, checked after reboot.

Jan 6, 2014

Finding a needle (person) in the haystack (faces of Facebook)

The App (http://app.thefacesoffacebook.com/) presents all crawled avatars of FB in one page, like Google Map that you can zoom in to see individuals on the social network.

Ubuntu Lesson 02 - Set Your Ubuntu Environment

Ubuntu有很完整的官方說明文件:Ubuntu 桌面版手冊。要自學不成問題,以下摘要介紹環境設定心得,讓想學的人可以此懶人包速成。

Jan 5, 2014

Ubuntu玩樂篇 - DVD Player

用Ubuntu玩樂也很「自由」。前一陣子用Win8要看DVD就裝了POWER DVD PLAYER,但很快就過期了。有些DVD用MEDIA PLAYER竟然不能播放,雖然最後上網找VLC media player解決了,但還是覺得不爽,合用的Apps很多都要付費。

用Office OneNote寫筆記:分門別類無限多張

繼上一篇文章「微軟素養:用Office OneNote不需要Evernote」後,再次體驗一些好的用法。

Jan 4, 2014

Ubuntu Lesson 01 - Mapping Apps with Windows

Ubuntu is really good since Apps widely used in Windows were already installed.
View Ubuntu Software Center to know what kinds of Apps you already owned
and install novel Apps like App Markets.

Jan 3, 2014

Ununtu Lesson 00 - Screen Snapshot

Before writing blogs for Ubuntu and Linux Programming, I must first have tools for capturing screenshots of windows or specific areas. ASAP, Google "ubuntu screen capture" and get useful information in the first page:

Jan 1, 2014


Ubuntu Lesson 00 - 安裝Ubuntu和Windows雙系統開機

要讓NB支援雙系統開機,最簡單的方法就是到Ubuntu官網下載wubi.exe (Windows Ubuntu Installer)。官網最好連結Ubuntu全球版,支援較新較快,OS安裝後自動會詢問語言設定,該版OS是否支援中文化,也比較清楚。資訊科技變化很快,還是要習慣英文,若還是只會中文,後續文件和問題,就到Ubuntu繁體中文官網找答案。