Mar 15, 2015

QNAP/Linux Tool - PostgreSQL Database Backup and Restore

PostgreSQL support installations on major OS platforms: Windows, Mac and Unix. That is I can backup my databases/services running on QNAP to my Windows machines. First, install PostgreSQL 9.4 (the newest version) on Windows 8.1.
PostgreSQL 9.4 program group in Window 8.1 MetroUI
First, add a new server connection to QNAP/PostgreSQL and login with admin account "postgres".
Add a dbserver connection
The PostgresSQL database can be backup with "New Database" by selecting the source as the "template".
Input dbname: bak

Select Template with the source db: fbi
Press "OK" to run CREATE DATABASE process, the database "bak" was created instantly. Check the database size with SQL query, both are the same.
select pg_database_size('fbi'), pg_database_size('bak');
Check dbsize
The output of pg_database_size() can be formatted with pg_size_pretty().
select datname AS Name, pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname)) as Size
from pg_database
order by pg_database_size(datname) desc;
Original databases within QNAP's postgres
Original databases within Windows postgres
NOTE: pg_database_size() includes the sizes for indexes.

Database Backup operation can be done from the pgAdminIII UI.
Right-click on the source database to select "Backup" and type the backup file path+name
Backup process is running with pg_dump messages
As you can get command and message information from the dialog box. So that writing the command into BAT file and setting the Windows task schedule (or Linux crontab) to running
C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.4/bin\pg_dump.exe --host --port 5432 --username "postgres" --no-password  --format custom --blobs --verbose --file "D:\fbi.backup" "fbi"

Similar operation is applied to Database Restore, the command is also obtained from the dialog.
Create an empty database, right-click on the database to select "Restore", and type the file
Restore process is running with pg_restore messages
C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.4/bin\pg_restore.exe --host localhost --port 5433 --username "postgres" --dbname "bak" --no-password  --verbose "D:\fbi_110.backup"

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