Apr 26, 2015

QNAP/Linux - Python Programming 04 (Learn by Doing: Crawl & Parse Pages)

In the first blog "Python Programming 01 (Setup and the First Program)", I use geturl.py as an example to write the first Python program. However, searching "url" or "http" from PyPI - the Python Package Index, your will find hundreds relevant packages in the result. How to select adequate packages for doing jobs, there is no deterministic answer.

Apr 19, 2015

QNAP/Linux - Python Programming 03 (Command-Line Arguments)

Arguments of C console application are defined in array "argv", in which the count of arguments is "args". Python supports more flexible method to write console applications with Unix-like "option -" and "long option: --".
python -h (or --help)

QNAP/Linux - Python Programming 02 (Basic Syntax)

Python Programming of Tutorialspoint is a good playground for beginners of Python programming. From basic to advance tutorials, including useful resources, it is easy peasy lemon squeezy for beginners to learn from this site. Following contents only shows something important that I think you should notice. If you have no time to completely review all pages of the site, just "learn by doing" from available python source codes.

Apr 1, 2015

Google Map愚人節的創意

一直覺得真實地圖就是最好的遊戲場。Google Map在「愚人節」當天整合最有趣的小精靈遊戲,發揮創意。
Google Map首頁,左下角出現小精靈