May 21, 2014

PhoneGap - Design MyUI as the First App

Using PhoneGap to develop Mobile Web-based Native App is very easy to add web UI modules (.js and .css) into the www folder. For example, I use jQuery Mobile.
  • download the latest stable (Version 1.4.2 here) and get an zip file named "".

  • Open the zip file and copy to any folder and get ready to use.

You just need some of them, it depends on what modules used in the App.
In the "demo" folder, there are many fluent UI components can be viewed in browsers by just opening the index.html in the folder. For example, I check "grids-buttons" and click "View Source" to see HTML and CSS source codes to use the jQuery Mobile UI components.

copy HTML codes to index.html

Click "CSS" and copy CSS codes to index.css
To test these UI components, I create a new PhoneGap App name "MyUI" with following commands. You have to install Cordova in NodeJS command prompt. See
  1. cordova create MyUI
  2. cd MyUI
  3. cordova platform add android
  4. cordova build android
  5. cordova emulate android   # cordova run android
Finally you can see the App is running in the Android emulator.
Then, modify "config.xml" to rename your App from "HelloWorld" to "MyUI".

MyUI App
To test jQuery Mobile UI components, add necessary css and js codes to the www folder. Usually, we just needs "" and "".
<link rel="stylesheet"  href="css/themes/default/">
<script src="js/"></script>

I put the jQuery Mobile CSS file into "css/themes/default/" since other modules like Sencha may be used in the same app. That all external module's css files are put into the themes folder. I set default to the jQuery Mobile.

Finally, just paste HTML code to replace the <div> codes within <body> of the original index.html. And paste CSS code to index.css. Then build and emulate Android again.
Keep original <script> codes within <body>
Successfully test jQuery Mobile components in PhoneGap's Android App
Learn from doing. Just browse jQuery demos to select your UI components and try copied HTML and CSS source codes in your App.

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